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Winner of the APTA "Outstanding Service Award" 2012

Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 2

Chart No. 32
- Contacts for the Release of Energy Blocks in Digestive Areas of Polarity. Fig. 3 Illustrates Release of Motor Tension Areas.

Fig. No. 1 shows a directional contact below the stomach and under the floating ribs. The other hand holds a pressure or manipulative contact on the opposite knee for digestive reflexes and pains.

Fig. 2 gives the same knee contact and the one immediately above Poupart's [inguinal] ligament with a directional force and a light rocking impulse toward the opposite shoulder for stomach and digestive disturbances.

All currents which cross over from one side of the body to the other in curves or diagonal lines are of the bipolar brain energy and the caduceus.

The vertical electro magnetic [electromagnetic] currents and gravity force stay on the same side.

Figs. 1 and 2 could be shown on the opposite side of the body where they would be liver and gall bladder reflexes and blocks. Many chronic pains in the left knee which are often mistaken for a bone disease are gall bladder reflexes and will clear up fast when the correction is made.

Fig. 3 illustrates energy block release by manipulation of tendons and muscles at their origin, which is the positive pole above at the neuter [neutral] or middle pole, and at the insertion or the negative pole below. This is useful in motor disturbances of the muscle tissue and tendons such as paralysis and spasms.

Book 2, Chart 31 ~ Book 2, Chart 33

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.