Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Gas Releasing Techniques According to Polarity Principles

As the airy principle [Neutral principle1] is the first essential essence in the life currents in the body, it is also the one most frequently involved in pains as a negative effect. Gas pressure may diffuse and manifest as painful symptoms in muscle tissues, the bowels, or even in the head, very much like a gas bubble in a hot water pipe.

The colon is the largest reservoir of the gases in the body and it represents the neuter [neutral] pole of the airy principle [Neutral principle1], and may reflect anywhere in the body as steady gas pressure until released. This may manifest as pains shooting and darting from place to place. Cramps in the calves of the legs are one of the symptoms due to gas in the muscles because of excess gas pressure in the colon.

The colon as a whole, the cecum [caecum] and the sigmoid are often distended and displaced by excess gas pressure which usually results in head symptoms. All gaseous type patients, with every kind of head symptom, even epilepsy, do well by using quantities of warm water in the rectum - taken directly from the tap, letting it run in and expelling it quickly - as a home therapy, to draw the gases and blocked energies downward. In these conditions the energy seems to rush toward the bead, producing such violent symptoms as are found in epilepsy, etc. Therefore, the downward drainage and expelling impulse should be encouraged to counteract the excess upward rush of the downward-flowing energies and gases. These cases are typical colonic type patients because the colon is the gas reservoir for the entire body.

For home treatment, the patient will get best results by taking the warm water, properly tempered, directly from the faucet, through a soft rubber hose, without the use of a nozzle or any type of rectal applicator at the tip which is inserted in the rectum. A mild lubricant or soap may be used on that end of the hose for easy and painless insertion. The water should be running and properly tempered before the hose is inserted. One inch or so is sufficient for the hose to go into the inner sphyncter [sphincter] muscles. This avoids doubling up of the tube or contact against the feces and is easier for the rectal muscles.

The warm water is repeatedly run into the rectum under pressure and is immediately expelled on every defecating impulse. This has a tendency to draw the gases downward by the expelling force and a reacting suction movement which results in stimulating the rectal function. This type of colonic [enema] is best taken in a squatting position as shown in charts No. 63 and 64 of the supplement to book II, over the oriental type of toilet. When such is not available, the next best thing is to take the position in the bath tub, taking the water in and quickly stepping to the toilet for expelling. If the defecating impulse is sudden, there may not be sufficient time to step to the toilet, in which case the tub may be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed after having been used for this purpose.

After taking the warm water into the colon and expelling it, repeat this process until the colon is thoroughly cleaned out. Sometimes the feces that have been lying in the upper part of the of the colon are brought down and expelled together with the excess gas, during this process. Sometimes the water comes out clear for a while before small or large round lumps are washed out, which had lodged in the pockets of the colon. These lumps may be present even in cases where patients have apparently normal bowel movements, which go through and are not obstructed by the lumps lodged in the pockets of the colon. Quantities of water and the patient's own

1 To alleviate confusion between the Three Principles (Fire, Water and Air) and the Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), many Polarity practitioners refer to Dr. Stone's "Fiery Principle" as "Yang," his "Watery Principle" as "Yin," and his "Airy Principle as "Neutral" or "Tao." See The Three Principles and Five Elements for more information.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.