Book 3: Polarity Therapy & Its Triune Function - A New Manipulative Therapy

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Leeches and Their Value in Polarity Therapy[1]

This may need changing several times. The draining usually lasts about eight hours. Then the area is merely washed and that is all. If one or two spots insist on dripping at this stage, touch them up with a little V.M. 120[2], iron solution which should be kept on hand as previously mentioned.

In cases where leech applications are indicated, the results obtained are in a class by themselves. As a prophylaxis, it does not do much for hypertension by actual measurement, but it may lessen the danger of cerebral hemorrhage.

It is not effective in infantile paralysis, but it is effective in paralysis due to cerebral hemorrhage. In such cases the paralyzed limbs are revived as a result of freeing the brain of blood sludge which threatens to drown the normal brain cells and their function. Where the diffused blood of the hemorrhage absorbs naturally, it is not needed. But where paralysis results and does not gradually vanish without assistance from the outside, the application of leeches is of real value to the patient and to the doctor.

Polarity Diet

REVIEW AND REASON FOR A NEW APPROACH: With so many books available on diet and the actual chemical analysis of food substances, it would appear that all the ideas on this subject were represented and there would be no need for further discussion or writing. However, in daily practice every observing doctor finds diet as a major factor in chronic complaints, and without the correction of such contributing causes, the patient's pains and illnesses continue to recur.

In this field too I searched for many years for a logical denominator which would be a reasonable approach to this debatable subject; at the same time avoiding fads, isms and arbitrary diet rules. Is it possible to answer all these questions in any one book without dogmatism and endless controversy? I claim it is not only possible but simple when the underlying factors are considered which pertain to the whole constitution of matter in motion and in man. All living things have polarity, and either attract or repel. Chemistry itself is based on attraction and repulsion. Diet also is based upon this fundamental law of Polarity.

The constitution of matter is simple in its essence, but very complex in its assembly and combinations. Before our knowledge of complex chemistry existed, there was a simple classification of matter, according to its state of appearance, which explained the type of energy that was flowing through it at that time. Solids, liquids, gases, caloric energy and etheric substances are the five modes of classifying matter according to our five senses and the principles operating in them which attract us to these substances.

The finer energy fields in our bodies need recharging, stimulating and replacing of particles used, such as solids, liquids, gases and heat units, plus the sensitive and artistic appearance and appetizing aroma and style in its service as food or drink, representing the etheric essence. Heretofore, we simply thought of foods as proteins, carbohydrates and hydrocarbon replacements in the body according to chemical classification, as the only necessity for eating. As long as all this can be enjoyed with good health, no question arises and all seems well. But when pains or illness manifest, then we wonder if this pleasure routine of eating and drinking hasn't something to do with it. After all, why do we do it and go to all the expense and effort to please our appetite by seeking new places where new and tempting dishes are served? The mere chemical approach

1 NOTE: Medicinal usage of leeches is still widely practiced today. However, the receipt and use of medicinal leeches is a regulated practice. Legally, leeches cannot be used without an appropriate professional status. Dr. Stone's books were intended for primary care medical professionals who had such status. If you plan on incorporating leech therapy, be sure to learn the regulations and laws regarding its practice for your country and area.
2 Vitaminerals No. 120. This product seems to no longer be in production.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.