Book 4: The Mysterious Sacrum - The Key to Body Structure & Function

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Explanation of Chart No. 4

This chart illustrates a simple and easy method of correcting the lateral tilt of the sacral base. The thumbs indicate the definite direction of vibratory contacts. Other holds can be used as long as the direction is correct for balance. A full-hand contact can also be used here, but is not included in the chart as the contact would cover the sacrum and would not demonstrate the direction of the impulse.

The lateral sacrum and the posteriority are the main factors here for polarity balance.

The posteriority is marked by a plus sign everywhere in the drawings.

FIGURES 2 and 4 show an excellent heel contact which is a rotational straightening stretch on the curved-in heel to straighten it, usually in an outward direction on the posterior side of the body. Hold it under mild tension with one hand as shown here, and use the other hand on the posterior part of the back to rock it superiorly and toward the floor as well as to complete the polarity contact. See charts No. 54 and 55 in the supplement to book II.

The hip is treated the same way while the heel is held as shown in figures 2 and 3 on this chart and in figures 1 and 2 of chart No. 20 in book III.

Chart No. 14 of book III - figure 1, reprinted in this book - illustrates the easiest and most effective way to correct the lateral sacral tilt. The patient on the table in this case presented the sacral base tilt - inferior on the right side - as shown in chart No.2, figure 2 in this book. The sacral tilt and the spinal curves have been sketched in to make it easy to see what is needed to correct both.

Curved and distorted heels are usually very tender, which indicate polarity reflex blocks in the current here and in the neuter [neutral] pole of the womb, ovaries or bladder, and in the male it indicates prostatic [prostate] trouble.

So it is evident that functional polarity distortion was at work here to pull the heel out of its natural structural alignment, as the primary factor of distortion.

The center of the heel represents the central pelvic organ in the male and in the female. The organs of the pelvis have their polarity reflex laterally, on each side of the ankle. See charts No. 17, 31 and 33 in book II.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.