Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further Explorations of Polarity Principles & Techniques

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Explanation of Chart No. 19

The posterior and bony structure of each foot is compared as closely as possible in its polarity response areas to the head, the neck and the back. The total vertical relationship of the feet to each side of the body is given here.

In Chart No. 8 we place the head into the four oval spaces of the body, for relationships and corresponding poles of expressions. Here we place the feet on the back for the same reason of sum total polarity reactions from below, upwards, and from above, downwards, as motor impulse relationships.

For the Anterior relationships, see Chart No. 4 in Book 2, "The Wireless Anatomy of Man".

This chart expresses both, motor and sensory impulse relationships, from top to bottom and from the bottom of the feet to the front of the body, as sensory areas of location as well as posterior identification of motor currents. For functional impulses and relationships, see Chart No. 13 in Book 3, "Polarity Therapy".

It is literally true, and demonstrated here, that what we do not have in our head we must have in our feet. Also that the buttocks are the seat of sensory learning impulses. When visiting the famous Eaton College [Eton College] in London, I was amazed to discover that the old 'hickory stick' is still a fundamental factor in that great institution, to properly impress the 'seat of learning' on their students.[1]

The foot is the finality of ENERGY FLOW EXPRESSION of each half of the brain's hemisphere. It is the end of the circuit of Vitality and of the Circulation. Motion and the spring of life are expressed here, even as the glutei express the muscle sense of balance for driving and sense proportion, through the impulses received from the object they sit on.

A good aviator or bus or truck or auto driver 'feels' his vehicle through this contact, by its slightest impulses and response to power and motion. That also is the reason for having a swivel chair or a movable seat to sit on at the desk. It accomodates [accommodates] brain impulses as a muscle sense expression, and saves much fidgeting and restlessness. That is also the reason why adjustable automobile seats are more restful than stationary seats.[2]

Thinking is motion of mind substance which must be accomodated [accommodated] as expression of some type in body motion, to balance the

1 Corporal punishment was discontinued at Eton College in the 1980s. Tamasic stimulation of the negative pole, such as spanking, may have theoretical value from an energy perspective as a way to unlock mental fixation. However the high likelihood of creating psycho-emotional trauma more than negates the potential benefit, so this old-fashioned method of correction is not recommended.
2 The modern approach to ergonomics and ergodynamics also recommends adjustable seats to maximize the comfort and safety of drivers.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.