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Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 6

Chart No. 24
- Food Classification According to Earth's Magnetic Strata

Only four elements are essential to all living things. Some need more of one than the other, according to type and individual requirements. These elements are: food, moisture, warmth and air.

1. Food - Earth. Vegetable life needs good soil for food in order to grow luxuriously. Man and animal life in their turn need this bounty of nature as food. Carnivorous animals and scavengers get it second-hand. In short, the earth is nature's mother. The earth is a magnetic sphere.

Foods grown under the ground and nearest to the surface on the top of the ground have more of earth's negative magnetic energy in them as well as more mineral contents in their natural form. They are heavier and more earthy in their constituents and in their magnetic electric charges as an organism. All root vegetables, tubers and herb roots belong to this category and include taro, beets, turnips, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and edible herb roots. The latter two have a spice-like quality which makes them more of a stimulant than a food, for they act on the oxidizing end of the digestion.

Tubers have a staying quality which satisfies hunger and are rich in minerals. Races that were found to live on them principally as their staple food had a rugged constitution like the earth and were naturally healthy. For example, the South Pacific Islanders who used the taro as their staple food; the Pomeranians of Germany in the past, who lived mostly on skimmed sour milk and plain, boiled potatoes with the skins on; also the Bulgarians who used yogurt and dark sour rye bread as a staple diet kept in good health and lived long. Doctor Metchnikoff[1] brought this to the attention of the world and credited their vigor and longevity to the acidophilus bacilli. The Chinese used a lot of red beets and cabbage in their diet.

The earthy type of food is best suited for those with a rugged constitution, who perform hard physical labor and who have limited means. The conclusion is that the earth element sustains life in a simple way.

2. Moisture - Water. The next classification according to stratum is the food which is grown above the ground and nearest to it. This type contains the water element in abundance and is rich in filtered minerals. It consists of green vegetation and cucumbers, melons, squash, pumpkins, etc. Acid foods are to be found on this level also in tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple and rhubarb. They have their application as eliminators or purgatives. They are like a spice to salads, in combination with them.

When combining alkaline and acid juices, they should preferably be selected from the same magnetic stratum for better digestion and oxidation.

Sea foods also come under the classification of the water element. The element of water in the pumpkin seed acts on the water element in the kidneys.

This tracing back to nature and the past is according to the elements and the principle of homeopathy - "like sustains like" - rather than laboratory chemistry. The earth and all its vegetation needs moisture and its magnetic embrace of electronic current flow. Cells need moisture and so do animals and human beings.

The watery type of food is best suited for persons of a highly emotional nature, for elimination of the exhausted excessive emotional energy.

1 Dr. Ilya or Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916), a Russian biologist, zoologist and protozoologist who discovered the process of phagocytosis (cells engulfing and consuming other organisms) and its role in the immune system. He also developed a theory that aging was caused by toxic bacteria in the intestines - an idea that later led to the field of probiotics.

Book 6, Chart 23 ~ Book 6, Chart 25

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.