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Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5

Chart No. 17
- Balancing Occiput and Sacrum With the Neck, Back and Leg Polarity Fields

Fig. 1: A - Contact on the occiput is made with the thumb on the sorest spot on that side. The fingers may rest on the head, or may be extended like an aerial.

B - The hand on the back can be used with the upper or the lower contact.

C - The right thumb contacts the apex of the sacrum on the anterior side of the body, indicated by the plumb line.

--- are contact points

(D) Only thumb

(E) The great sacro sciatic [sacrosciatic] notch contact

C - contact is deep, alongside the coccyx, in an upward, lifting direction, with a slight outward angle toward the shoulder. Dotted lines on head and hip in Fig. 2 are for parietal contact with innominate [hip] contact.

Fig. 2: Contacts A & B are similar to that shown in Fig. 1. This is the posterior side of the body. Contact C is therefore on the posterior sacro iliac [sacroiliac] articulation with the thumb and the fingers, in a gentle, lifting grip on the glutei, like taking a handful of muscles, pressing downward and inferiorly with the thumb, like a pull.

(D) Thyroid

Fig. 3: Illustrates a sphenoid contact above, the same as in the sitting-up position. The middle finger of the right hand is on right side of the coccyx, pushing toward the middle. The dots and arrows on the legs are all contact points for any combination, with superior or central contacts on the body.

(A) Liver

(B) Gall bladder

(C) Colon areas

(D) Stomach

Book 5, Chart 16 ~ Book 5, Chart 18

American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.