Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further Explorations of Polarity Principles & Techniques

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Explanation of Chart No. 11

This chart illustrates KIDNEY TECHNIQUES through contacts on various poles of the body, from the bottom of the feet upward, on the same side of the body. The soles of the feet were clearly illustrated for this work in Chart No. 4 in this book. The main point here is the discovery that the foot must be flexed under a little tension so the areas involved are brought out for all foot therapy applications.

Flexing each toe brings out that area for a contact on the sole of the foot. Merely working the feet or rolling the soles over a ball or a rolling pin does not do it. That all helps in a measure, but is not a complete therapy. The foot must be flexed and polarized locally with the cuboid bone contact and pressure from the outside for best results. This is illustrated in figures 1 and 2 of this chart. IT HOLDS GOOD IN ALL OTHER FOOT THERAPY, whether it is for the liver, the colon, the stomach or any other polarity center in the foot, where anterior and lateral contacts support the local area hold.

Figure 3 depicts the other hand over the kidney area on the back of the body, comprising the 11th and 12th dorsal [thoracic] vertebrae [T11, T12]. The foot contact which is used simultaneously, consists of firmly gripping the back of the foot and applying the thumb to the kidney area on the foot.

Figure 4 illustrates a contact on the representative kidney area in the airy triad [Air Element triad - Gemini/shoulders, Libra/kidneys, Aquarius/ankles] of the leg response, the Aquarius region shown in Chart No. 5, Book 2 [sic, Chart No. 5, Book 1]. The contact is worked with the thumb in the calf of the leg. The contact with the other hand over the 11th and 12th dorsal [thoracic, T11, T12] is held firmly on that side only, by the heel of the hand.

This chart gives the over-all procedure for therapy from the feet up to the body, whether it be for colon, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, etc. Only the exact spots change a little and must be found for each pole in order to obtain best results. THESE HAVE BEEN ILLUSTRATED AND NEED BUT TO BE SELECTED AND FELT AS TENDER SPOTS, AND POLARIZED. This application for three to five minutes on each side, accomplishes much. Change from one contact to another more frequently if the areas are too tender. Each time you come back to them they will be better.

The response will be noted in the other pole at once, when correctly done. The patient will know it also. Nothing succeeds like Truth and CORRECT APPLICATION. It is a process of floating with the Universal Currents on the Waters of Life. Our little boat cannot help but float to the other shore if TRUTH AND SERVICE are steering it to its goal.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.