Book 5: Vitality Balance - Further Explorations of Polarity Principles & Techniques

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A Vital Viewpoint on Structural Balance

vertebra and give a gentle roll, as illustrated in Chart No. 34 in Book 2. The same can be done with the patient sitting up, as shown in Chart No. 15 in this book.

Life is unique if we can but see the pattern energy as vital currents instead of only the form as mere mechanical correction from a purely physical standpoint.

Contact points for the center and the sides of the occiput and sacrum, also the sphenoid and coccyx, are marked on Chart No. 18 in this book.

The dotted lines on the sacrum and the 5th lumbar [L5], and over the glutei, shown in Chart No. 2 in this book, are contact points for the GANGLION OF IMPAR BALANCE with the CEREBROSPINAL ENERGY FLOW. One contact is from below, along the coccyx and under it. The other contact is on the dotted lines, with the thumb of the other hand. It is described on page 83 in Book 1 and is illustrated in Chart No. 19 in Book 2.

SPECIFIC CONTACTS BY TOUCH BASED ON HYPERESTHESIA SYMPTOMS: In diagnosing from the neck, by touch, there is usually more soreness on one side than on the other over the transverse process and in the lamina between it and the spinous process. That means a tension or plus impulse is active there on top because of an anteriority on the corresponding vertebra below, due to local spastic contractions in its muscular attachment on the opposite side of it. The contact would therefore be an inhibition on the cervical vertebra and a stimulation on the lumbar vertebra on the same side. However, in practice, it is easier to inhibit the opposite transverse side to release the spastic pull there. This balances the muscular tension and is equal to the adjustment theory of diagnosis and correction.

Experience has proven that greater changes take place in the neck when the muscular pull is balanced than when the bone is adjusted. This is based upon the fact that all distortions are REALLY DUE TO MUSCULAR PULL WHICH MOVES THE VERTEBRAE POSITIONS FOR ACCOMODATION [accommodation] TO THEIR TENSIONS. Releasing the PRIMARY FACTOR FIRST is the logical procedure in dealing with energy currents - whether blocked or in excess - as the real causes of subluxations. Energy is the mover. The bone is the object moved by muscular action, through involuntary impulses which produce lesions.

The energy approach is far deeper and more effective than the mechanical secondary principle of results. CAUSES ARE PRIMARY FACTORS TO CORRECT. Then, when the muscle pull is released by balancing the vital impulses, the vertebrae literally fall into their natural position by the least movement or correct positioning, AND STAY THERE.


American Polarity Therapy Association

Copyright 2012 EnergySchool Foundation
Text & images from Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy Vol. I & Vol. II, CRCS PO Box 1460, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Thanks to the American Polarity Therapy Association and CRCS Publications for supporting this project.